Friday, August 30, 2013

Working collaboratively, ALL of my Pride Friday classes created this wonderful color wheel out of pictures found in magazines.  What a fantastic group project...and something I've always wanted to do.  It'll dry over the weekend, and then we'll display it with pride on the display board in the commons!

Next week I will begin handing out my "Art Student of the Day" awards!!!  At the conclusion of each art class, I'll select one student who I felt not only did a remarkable job working on their project for the day, but also showed initiative in being either Respectful, Responsible, or Ready to of Creekview's "Three R's".  Towards the end of the year, I'll have some extra initiatives for students who have earned a small collection of awards...but that's WAY down the line.  I'm still concentrating on August and need to start thinking about May yet.  :)

Hope you've enjoyed the daily updates this week on the 'ol Art Blog!!!  I'll be updating at least once a week starting next week, with an occasional extra post here and there.  Everyone have a great Labor Day Weekend!!!  See ya next week!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


On the first day of my art classes, each class explored the question "What is Art?", and more importantly "What is Visual Culture?"  The art world is MUCH different than it was even just ten years ago, and as our world continues to be more integrated into digital technologies, how we perceive art and the idea of 'what is art' is rapidly changing.
Examples of Visual Culture: Museum Art
For years to be an 'artist', one must have studied fine art at some prestigious art school, working towards showcasing their work within the walls of art galleries.  This "traditional" style of art has been the foundation of the art world for years, and many other 'art forms' were quickly reduced to categories of 'not-art'.  However, the world around us is a visual place.  And what better way to learn about ALL things visual than the 'visual arts classroom'.  Because of this ever-expanding idea that art is everything visual, the term Visual Culture was coined.
Examples of Visual Culture: Visual Imagery
Art is no longer pictures seen in a museum.  Kids see art on a daily basis in the form of t-shirts, video games, cartoons, comics, advertisements, smart phone apps, tattoos, logos, package design, architecture, landscaping...and the list goes on and on.  So, in an effort to help kids come to grasp with this idea that art IS in fact all around them, over the course of the year we will be exploring the idea of Visual Culture and how it revolves around our lives.
Examples of Visual Imagery: Constructed Space

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So, I'm guessing that most of you are familiar with Art to Remember, as I believe all the elementary art teachers are now implementing the program at their schools.  If you are unfamiliar with the program, it is a fundraiser that supports the visual arts program, helping us earn funds for materials to enhance our visual arts programs.  Your student will create an artwork in the art room, and you will have the opportunity to purchase that artwork on a variety of merchandise!  This will be my third year participating in Art to Remember, and I will be using proceeds from this year's fundraiser for something I've dubbed "iPads in the Art Room"!!! 

So're probably wondering what kind of merchandise is available to purchase with your child's work on it, right?  Well...look no further than this link:

Secondly, you might be wondering..."why iPads?".  Well, as the world around us becomes more technological, so must the visual arts world.  With iPads, I have a variety of 'art-tech' projects that I would like to integrate into my art room such as digital photography, digital painting, and digital manipulation.  The goal for this year is to raise enough money to buy one iPad for every three students.  This will help with 'group' digital projects, but over the next few years, I hope to have a full class set of iPads to use in my art room.'s a long term goal, but art and technology has always been an interest of mine.  I believe it's important that the kids understand how today's 'art world' is so influenced by digital arts and technology and can additionally enhance and support their own art making.  

5th Graders will be creating an "Identity Shield" for their A2R project, while 6th Graders will be creating
an "I'm a Keith Haring" self-portrait based on the work of Pop Artist, Keith Haring!
So...with that...I would really appreciate your support in this year's program and hope that you'll be able to help in this year's goal.  We have just begun our Art to Remember projects, and will probably be working on them for the first three or four weeks of school.  Look for Art to Remember envelopes to come home sometime in mid to late September.  And...again...I appreciate any and all support you can give the visual arts department in this fundraising endeavor!

Thanks!!! a side note...for all of you parents whose fifth graders don't have art until the second semester...don't fret!  I've worked it out with Art to Remember to do the fundraiser with my second semester fifth graders as well.  So...I'll touch base with you all again in January.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Students interested in auditioning for this year's CIS Musical, "Magic and Music" should pick up an audition form in the front office, or from my art room!  The musical will showcase students singing and dancing to some Disney classics, with a few skits thrown in as well.  Auditions will be held after school in the band room, and students will NOT be able to audition without a parent signed audition form!!!  Here are the dates:

5th Grade Auditions on Wednesday, September 11th from 3:30-6
6th Grade Auditions on Thursday, September 12th from 3:30-6

After all auditions, a cast list will be posted on the windows in the front of the building on Friday, September 13th at 4pm.  Students are not permitted to stay after school until 4 when the list is posted; students are to go home as normal and make arrangements to come back to check the list after 4pm.  

If you have any questions, feel free to contact either myself or Mrs. DelaHostria regarding this year's CIS Musical!!!  We hope to see lots of smiling and singing faces at this year's auditions!

Monday, August 26, 2013


I'd like everyone to meet BOB, my pet skull.  Bob has been a part of my classroom for the past eight years, and the kids usually really take a liking to him.  Occasionally (usually once or twice each nine weeks) we will have a "What's Bob Thinking" day.  On that day, one lucky student will get to open Bob's head, and read his thoughts.  It may be something to do with Weller Bux, changing seats, or a creative art-making challenge!  In any case, Bob is a great addition to my classroom, and I'm sure at some point during the upcoming year you can expect to hear about my crazy pet skull and the "What's Bob Thinking" days!  

Look for DAILY updates this week, as there is just SO MUCH to share at the beginning of the school year!!!  See everyone tomorrow!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Over the course of the school year, each class that comes to art will have the opportunity to earn Weller Bux!!!  Weller Bux are earned by following the classroom rules such as entering quietly, meeting daily objectives, and being respectful...just to name a few.  Over the course of the year classes can spend their Weller Bux on a variety of items such as choosing their seats in the classroom, or a "Free Day Art Challenge".  Of course...classes can also bank their Weller Bux, saving them up to try to win an end-of-the-year ice cream party (fifth grade) or pizza party (sixth grade)!!! will be up to each class to democratically decide how best to spend...or save...their Weller Bux over the course of the 2013-14 school year!

First week is going well!  Super excited to get the year moving!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Well...August is here which means another school year is just around the corner!!!  I'm very excited to get things moving as I have a TON of great, new exciting things planned for the kids.  Please visit my art blog often to find all sorts of information regarding the Creekview Intermediate Art Room.  I'll be updating the blog at least once a week, maybe more, and (eventually) I'll have my art website up and running as well.  Welcome back!!!