Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The fifth grade classes have FINALLY begun painting their ceramic projects this past week!!!  It's been a long process, and the kids have been so patient about waiting.  Once they're finished, I'll stick a bunch of them in the front showcase to show them off!!!
Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Hmmm...what two classes are going to earn enough Weller Bux to purchase the "Kid Robot Action Figure" art project?!?  It's going to be a right race...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Artworks created by Clark Hamilton (Batman), Evan Brown (Hulk), Gavin Cosette (Luke), Piper Cooper (Iron Man)

Check out a small sampling of the fifth grade monochromatic paintings!!!  I modified a project that I have done in the past, and turned them into a great still life project focusing on color theory.  All students painting a black and white photograph of a still life object using three tints of one color (color with the addition of white), the pure color itself, and two shades of a color (color with the addition of black).  These great projects will be making their way to the showcase and one of the display boards sometime next week, so next time you're in the building, be sure to check them out!


...you never know what's going to happen in the Creekview Art Room!!!  

Monday, November 11, 2013


You can now follow my Creekview Art Room on Twitter!!!  This is not a personal account, and should not be used as such.  I'll occasionally 'tweet' information and news from the art room as well as cool and interesting things about art that I happen to come across.  Feel free to check it out!
Follow me @WellerArt