Friday, March 14, 2014

MORE CEILING TILES! least one more ceiling tile.  "How to Train your Dragon" joins the painted ceiling tile collection.  AWESOME!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Yet another ceiling tile is Batman joins the ranks of painted ceiling tiles in the art room!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ceramic tiles created by Jaida R, Dalton C, Dakota E, Ava L, Bailey G and Connor P

It's clay craziness in the art room right now as the sixth graders anxiously await painting or glazing their ceramic tiles created during "SLAM!" week (see previous blog post for info).  And in the meantime the second semester fifth graders are in the process of creating "Monster Heads" utilizing two very important clay techniques; pinch pots and coils.  The monster projects are going to need about two weeks to dry before they get fired and then we probably won't get to them before spring break.  
Monster Heads created by Mrs. Wertenberger's, Mrs. Pickrell's, Mrs. Hutchinson's, and Mrs. Bentz's classes
Actually...both sixth and fifth grade will be painting and glazing their projects immediately upon returning from spring break, so the clay craziness will certainly continue!  :)