One of my all-time favorite part of the school year is seeing the school's showcases full of artwork, and this year is no different! Foil Figures, Open Drawing Projects, Ceramic Monsters, Kid Robot Figures, Ceramic SLAM!s, Mastisse Cut-Outs...you can see them all prominently displayed in the showcases for this year's Creekview Intermediate Art Show!
The show, as I've mentioned before, will be held the evening of Monday, May 12th at Creekview during the choir and band concerts. It's a great way to tie all of our visual and performing arts programs into one, and I certainly hope that you can come and enjoy both a little music and some fantastic art!

But if you cannot make the show...no worries...I understand...May's a busy, BUSY month!!! Your student will bring home their final artworks that were featured in the show later this month! All of the artwork that the kids did not choose for the art show should have come home to you already! Some of the kids try to throw it away before leaving my room...or school (I know...I can't believe it either!) despite my begging them to take it home first. I do try to tell them that maybe, just maybe, their parents are saving it...but if not, they can discard it after showing their parents. So...again...hopefully you've seen some returning home already. Final pieces, as I've noted, will be sent home later this month.
Hope to see you this Monday at the Art Show!!! And, please...as you walk around the show checking out the wonderful art don't be a stranger...stop me (I'll be wandering around myself!) and say hi! I'd love to meet you and share what a great year we've had in the art rooms!