Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Congratulations to Mrs. Foust's class for winning the 2013-14 Art Room Pizza Party.  The class earned and saved a grand total of 532 Weller Bux over the course of the school year...a whopping 21 more than the second place class!!!  ...sorry I forgot the punch in my fridge, kids...whoops!  :)  CONGRATS!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I can't begin to tell you what an honor it is to be asked by former students to hand them their diplomas at graduation!  To think that six years after Creekview...something that I did with them in art class still resonates enough that they would come back and invite me to participate in this awesome moment!  Anyway...I could go on and on...but it truly is an honor!  Best of luck Pearson and Hailey!  Thank you for including me in your graduation moment!


"You Can't Dunk This" was put to the test last Thursday and Friday during fifth and sixth grade field days!  And...despite my taunts and jabs...the kids occasionally hit the target...and dunked me.  It just takes one lucky through, ya know?!?  :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


...13-0 vs. 5th grade; 13-0 vs. 6th grade...



Tuesday, May 20, 2014

6th Grade Yellow Team Goofballs!

One of the favorite parts of my...'job' (if you dare call it that...) is when kids just randomly pop in to say good morning!  Usually something randomly odd then this morning, for example.  :)  (...I just wish I could get the kids to quit touching my toys!  :))

Friday, May 16, 2014


Next Thursday and Friday during field days, Creekview Intermediate Students will be given the opportunity to dunk either Mr. Terzis, Mr. Ash or myself in the annual Dunk Tank fundraiser.  While participating in field day is free...the dunk tank does cost fifty cents per throw...or three throws for a dollar!!!  6th Grade Field Day will be held on Thursday, May 22nd and 5th Grade Field Day will be held on Friday, May 23rd.  So, kids...bring your quarters...or your dollars...and try to dunk one of your Unified Arts teachers!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


FINALLY...the last of this year's 12 new ceiling tiles are complete and hanging in the art room!!!  Enjoy the "Just Dance" and "Beaker Scream Art Parody" ceiling tiles!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


...probably not what Google had in mind...right?  :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

"The Fun Painting" by Nathan Faust
A very hearty thank you to all who came out and supported our performing and visual arts this evening!!!  Whether you came to hear the choirs, listen to the band, see the artwork, or a combination of any of those...thanks so much for making it an eventful evening.  

Sadly (as usual), I got so caught up in socializing I forgot to take any actual pictures from the show.  It happens...  :)  Anyway...thanks again for coming!!!  It was nice to see so many smiling kids and parents!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


One of my all-time favorite part of the school year is seeing the school's showcases full of artwork, and this year is no different!  Foil Figures, Open Drawing Projects, Ceramic Monsters, Kid Robot Figures, Ceramic SLAM!s, Mastisse can see them all prominently displayed in the showcases for this year's Creekview Intermediate Art Show!

The show, as I've mentioned before, will be held the evening of Monday, May 12th at Creekview during the choir and band concerts.  It's a great way to tie all of our visual and performing arts programs into one, and I certainly hope that you can come and enjoy both a little music and some fantastic art!

But if you cannot make the worries...I understand...May's a busy, BUSY month!!!  Your student will bring home their final artworks that were featured in the show later this month!  All of the artwork that the kids did not choose for the art show should have come home to you already!  Some of the kids try to throw it away before leaving my room...or school (I know...I can't believe it either!) despite my begging them to take it home first.  I do try to tell them that maybe, just maybe, their parents are saving it...but if not, they can discard it after showing their parents.  So...again...hopefully you've seen some returning home already.  Final pieces, as I've noted, will be sent home later this month.

Hope to see you this Monday at the Art Show!!!  And, you walk around the show checking out the wonderful art don't be a stranger...stop me (I'll be wandering around myself!) and say hi!  I'd love to meet you and share what a great year we've had in the art rooms!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mrs. DelaHostria's class celebrates Mr. Weller's 40th birthday!

So, today was my big fortieth birthday.  So aside from selecting artworks for this year's CIS Art Show (which is the evening of Monday, May 12th if you were wondering...), the kids had a little birthday fun.  Especially interesting was when Mrs. DelaHostria started sending me bundles of 'stuff' in groups of 40; things like 3R Tickets, Ziplock bags, note cards, post-it notes, chalk and paper clips.  It took me awhile to catch on to her shenanigans...but it was a good time!
40 paperclips, tickets, post-its, note cards, baggies, napkins...and chalk!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Kids hard at work on their 3-day "Open Drawing Projects"
One of my favorite things to do with my sixth graders is to assign them a three-day "Open Drawing Project".  Basically...this project allows them to create whatever they want, utilizing whatever art materials they wish, as long as it is a drawing project.  Students were able to incorporate collage and/or sculpture if they wished, as long as the project was ultimately a drawing.  So over the course of four days (hey...we needed one day to experiement with all of the cool art materials!!!) all of my sixth graders created...well...whatever they wanted!  

Art created by Jaida Rich, Jenny Picklesimer, Chloe Riggsby, Sparsh Kustagishettar, Elise Atzbach, Jeriah Hanf, Hope Obenour, Maddie Blaisdell and Skylar Lawson
Over the years, I've found that when you give students the chance to be in charge of their own art making decisions, they often create some of the most amazing things.  Partly, I suppose, because they take full ownership of the fact that they have total control.  I'm always amazed and impressed with what the kids ultimately create, and it's no surprise that many...MANY...of them choose their "Open Drawing Projects" to be included in the yearly Creekview Intermediate Art Show!

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Art Room Showcase is slowly coming together for the 2014 CIS Art Show!
The 2014 CIS Art Show will be held on Monday, May 12th in conjunction with the 5th and 6th grade choir concerts and 6th grade band concert!  The building will be open that evening for the concerts, obviously, but you can also come in and look at the amazing artwork created by our CIS student community this school year.  Please take out some time to pop in and enjoy your student's work...and please say hi if you see me wandering the halls.  I'll be here!  :)

Friday, May 2, 2014


Taking almost as long to paint it as it does to play just one game (you know I'm right!) the Monopoly ceiling tile is finally done and proudly displayed in the art room!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I'll be updating the 'ol Art Blog daily starting today, May 1st, until the end of the school year!!!  So, to start things off...I'm not sure why so many kids are drawn to the amazingness of "The Golden Toilet" in my classroom...but they are.  And some of them just won't rest until they shake its hand!  :)
See ya tomorrow!