Monday, June 2, 2014

Additions to the 2013-14 CIS Permanent Gallery!!!  Artworks created by (L to R) top row: Claire Kuhnle, Emery Bates and Jacquelyn Witt; middle row: Jenna Rioch, Nathan Faust, Ethan Turk and Skyler Lawson; bottom row: Cole Pullen and Nina Kise
Each year a few artworks created by our CIS 6th Graders are selected for what is known as the "Permanent Gallery".  These artworks are framed and displayed in our commons throughout the year and it certainly brightens up the school!  This year, nine sixth graders have agreed to allow me to keep their artworks for display in the gallery.  

Artworks being retired from the permanent gallery created from 2001-2003. 
In addition to the artworks being displayed, I'm hoping to start a new program where students come back to receive their artwork near the completion of their senior year of high school. essence I guess the gallery is now semi-permanent, rotating through CIS student work created each year.  Works will be displayed for roughly the six years after students leave CIS, and then...hopefully...handed back to them when graduating.  Of course...I'm not entirely sure this will work, but I'm going to give it a go anyway.  And...I'll let you know if it works in six years when this year's batch of gallery participants graduate.  :)