Friday, August 29, 2014


Happy Weekend from the Creekview Intermediate Art Room!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Artworks created by (clockwise from upper left) AJ Loftus, Michael Cogossi, Remini Roush and Stella Moser

Mrs. Cotner's homeroom and Mrs. Orr's homeroom are finishing up their "I'm a Keith Haring" projects this week.  This project will serve as their Art to Remember projects as well.  I will probably send home A2R information sometime in October.
I love this project so much!  Maybe it's my love of Keith Haring's work on a personal level...but I always enjoy teaching this project to the kids...and on the flip side they REALLY seem to enjoy it!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


This is the week!  It's Jungle Book audition time!!!  Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 27th we will hold auditions for our fifth grade students interested in being a part of the CIS musical, while Thursday we will audition the sixth graders.  Students will NOT be able to stay after school for auditions unless they have a parent-signed audition form!!!  Students will participate as a group to learn some choreography, learn some lyrics to a song, and practice a little acting...and then we will audition the kids six at a time.  Students are allowed to leave once their audition is done, so be aware that they may call you as early as 4:30, but also possibly as late as 6.  We do our best to get through the auditions as quickly as we can and we appreciate your patience as we go through this process.

With that...I hope to see lots of smiling faces this week at auditions!  If you have any questions you can contact either myself or Mrs. DelaHostria.  We will try to get back to you as quickly as we can!
mr. weller:
Mrs. DelaHostria:

Monday, August 25, 2014

iPads in the Art Room!

It's late on Monday...and I nearly forgot to update the 'ol blog!!! I sit here at home, away from the art room, and I try to figure out what should go on the blog tonight, I thought maybe it'd be best to officially announce that iPads are coming!  That's right...I've saved enough money over the past two years of Art to Remember fundraisers to add a collection of iPads into the CIS art room!  So...what does this mean?  Well...I don't know, but I have some ideas.  I've been messing around with some cool art apps on my wife's iPad and I think I've got some great ideas. time, I'm sure you'll get to see some cool things here on the blog of how kids are utilizing iPads in the Art Room!

Friday, August 22, 2014


Here's a little art trivia to close out the first week of school.  The above Spongebob image is a parody of what famous artwork?  Can you also name the artist?  How about where the artwork is currently displayed?
Take a guess and leave a comment!  Talk to you next week! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Keith Haring

Look what I found in Vegas!  A Keith Haring print!!!
Keith Haring is one of my personal favorite artists...and his art is so easily integrated into the art room.  His colorful, cartoon style of art makes it so adaptable and accessible to people of all ages.  Born in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, Haring is one of Pop Art's most recognizable names alongside Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and was such an integral part of the New York city art scene in the 80's and early 90's!
I always start the year with a Keith Haring project with my sixth graders, and this year is no different!  Kids will be creating the annual "I'm a Keith Haring" project which will also serve as the sixth grade Art to Remember project.  It's probably the only art project that I actually repeat year after year with little modifications!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Art to Remember

I will once again be participating in the Art to Remember fundraising program.  This is a fantastic program that allows me to raise funds that go directly to the Creekview Art Department.  In years past I've been able to use these fundraising dollars to buy a SmartBoard and ceramic clay.  I've saved my money over the past few years and will be purchasing a set of ten iPads for my art room this fall (more on that another day...).  As I is a GREAT fundraiser and I'm very happy to be participating in it again.

For those of you who have never heard of Art to Remember, basically your student will create an artwork in the art room and that artwork will be sent to "A2R".  You can then purchase a variety of items with your student's artwork on it; anything from matted prints, coffee mugs, t-shirts and the ever popular iPhone cases just to name a few! 

Given my odd schedule this year, I've had to break up the program just a bit to fit certain deadlines, but I promise at some point this year you will have a chance to purchase A2R merchandise.  I'll send out more specific e-mails and reminders once I actually get a little closer to the time frames!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


The mural design for the art room entrance!
After teaching in my art room for the past 13 years, I have decided that I am tired...VERY tired...of the white walls.  So...with the permission of Mr. Kannally and Mrs. Wells, I am going to work with the kids this year in painting a mural at the entrance to the "Studio" room.  Now...I'm guessing I'll have to make a few minor color modifications here and there, but I'm going to try to keep it as colorful and bright as the above example shows. do it...I need paint!  LOTS and LOTS of paint!!!

I'm currently on the lookout for grants that would allow me to purchase the paints and I REALLY want to paint this mural this school year. get things started (and while I hunt down possible grant funding)...I'm asking our very wonderful Creekview parents (see how good I am at buttering you up?!? :)) if you have ANY house paints that you just don't use anymore, I will GLADLY take them off your hands.  Obviously, I'd love to have a ton of primary and secondary colors, but I'll take whatever I can get.

So...please let me know if you've got something you think I can use.  Or just drop it off in the front office.  They'll get it to me!!!  Thanks in advance!!!  Let's get this mural painted!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014


All sixth grade students will be asked to work on and complete a variety of sketchbook assignments over the course of their six week daily art class!  Please, do NOT buy the most elaborate sketchbook you can find.  The sketchbook needs to be 9x12 in size (nothing smaller, please) and they need to have them ready on their first day of art class.  I'm asking that my first group of sixth graders (Mrs. Cotner and Mrs. Orr's homerooms) have them ready to go this Thursday, August 21st.  If you have any questions at all...please let me know!  I'll be happy to help!  THANKS!!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

2014-15 Art Schedule!

My pet skull Bob and the Golden Toilet...all ready for 2014-15.

So...after talking with many parents on "Meet the Teacher" night, it occurred to me that many were not aware of this year's changes to the Unified Arts schedule, or even how it works.  So, with's a quick guideline to how art will work this year for fifth and sixth grade.  If it still seems confusing...or if you have ANY questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!!!  I'll be happy to answer and explain anything you may be wondering about.
Sixth graders will go to the same unified arts class on a daily basis for roughly six weeks...and then rotate through all six unified arts departments through the school year.  Here's the breakdown for visual arts for the year:
Aug. 18th thru Sept. 26th - Mrs. Cotner 
and Mrs. Orr
Sept. 29th thru Nov. 5th - Mrs. Latham and Mrs. McChesney
Nov. 6th thru Dec. 19th - Mrs. DelaHostria, Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Hicks
Jan. 6th thru Feb. 20th - Mrs. Rausch, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Weixel
Feb. 23rd thru April 15th - Mrs. Gilliland and Mrs. Fleece
April 16th thru May 28th - Mrs. Shaffer and Mrs. Terzis
Fifth graders will come to art for a semester on an A, B, C day rotation.  Students that have Art the first semester will switch to Technology in the second semester; first semester Tech students will switch to Art in the second semester.
1st Semester - Aug. 18th thru Dec. 19th - Orange and Blue teams
2nd Semester - Jan 6th thru May 28th - Yellow, Green and Purple teams

Again...if you have ANY questions...please don't hesitate to ask.  I'll do my best to get back to you in a timely manner!
Thanks!  See everyone on MONDAY!!!...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!  WHOO-HOO!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Like it or not, the 2014-15 school year is upon us!  I know that I've had a great summer and am highly anticipating the start to another great year in the art room here at Creekview Intermediate!!! 

I'd like to thank everyone that stopped by the art room last night to say hello and introduce themselves!  It was great meeting lots of this year's fifth graders and seeing some returning sixth graders.  And for the first time ever, a fifth grader came into my room and took a selfie with the Golden Toilet!!!  How great!!!

Blog updates will be DAILY this year.  Last year I tried to do one per week, and then occasionally I'd do multiples per week, but this year I'm holding myself to daily updates.  So please make sure you check back often...or see what's going on in the art room!

So...WELCOME BACK!!!  I hope everyone is as excited and energized as I am for the 14-15 school year!!!  Let's get this started!