Friday, September 26, 2014

More Kandinsky Abstracts

Kandinsky Abstracts from C-Day Classes
Top Row: Carmen Tarango, Katie Spitznagel and Leanna Patton
Middle Row: Emma Swart, Jordan Pitz and Amber Hutter
Bottom Row: Taylor Favors, Megan Rizo and Ellie Friley

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kandinsky Abstracts!

Kandinsky Abstracts from B-Day Classes; Conor Sgambellone, Rylie Tigner, Ryan Minor and Madison Sundquist

Kandinsky Abstracts from A-Day Classes: Alec Rodenberger, Brionna Michalak, Kassie Drumm and Danykha Backus
Finally getting to see some finished abstract art in the style of Wasily Kandinsky from my 5th graders.  Abstract art is a much harder concept to comprehend...AND implement...than you might think.  The thought process involved in creating 'nothing' is unique and an advanced level art skill.  so while it might seem as if we spent two days scribbling out of control...there was actually some very precise thinking going on!!!  
I'll have some C-Day Kandinskys tomorrow!!!  ENJOY!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Warhol Prints!

Warhol Prints!
Top Row: Zane White, Colin Johnson, Grant Marshall
Middle Row: Carolyn Frost, Madison Wildermuth, Caroline Imbrogno
Bottom Row: Ethan Logsdon, Kylee Travis, AJ Loftus
6th Graders completed their Warhol Pints last Friday!!!  It was a little rushed due to the time constraints of our six weeks...but they still turned out great!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Hall of Fame!

My annual "HALL OF FAME" is officially open for business.  New entries are 'trickling' in slowly...but I'm sure by the end of the year it will be full as always!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


MECHAnimals created by 6th Graders from Mrs. Cotner's and Mrs. Orr's homerooms
Top Row: Stella Moser, Amanda Organ and Evan Appelfeller
Middle Row: Greyson Howells, Carolyn Frost and Ethan Logsdon
Bottom Row: Jacob Silye, Micah Schultz and Leanna Wilson
Using a monochromatic painting scale, students created 'mechanical animals'...or MECHAnimals"...for their painting projects.  We were a little pressed for time, given that the end of the six weeks of art is nearly upon us, so the background was modified from the original idea.  Still...the metallic background sure does make the artwork pop from the page!  

Monday, September 15, 2014

KANDINSKY - Art History's first pure abstract artist

Bustling-Aquarelle by Wassily Kandinsky

My fifth graders on the orange and blue team this week will be working in the style of art's first true abstract artist, Wassily Kandinsky.  We'll be taking a look at Kandinsky's pure abstract forms and doing our best to create our own pure abstract works.  It's actually more challenging than most fifth graders would think, but I'm betting the end results will look marvelous!  I SHOULD have some final examples ready to show off here on the blog later this week!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Drying Time!

6th Grade Ceramic Vessels
The students in Mrs. Cotner's homeroom and Mrs. Orr's homeroom completed their ceramic coil vessels on Tuesday this week.  The projects are now in the process of drying and can hopefully be fired in the kiln next Thursday.  The kids will glaze them during their last week of art, which is rapidly approaching already!!!  How did that happen?!?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


5th Grade Onomatopoeia Projects!!!
Top Row: Joena Rauck, Emma Ingle and Caitlin Johnson
Middle Row: Ashton Fulkerson, Andrew Bentz and Alissa Wilms
Third Row: Paige Gootee, Maddy Moody and Alyssa Beeching
As promised, here's a glimpse at some of the fifth grade "Onomatopoeia" Projects!!!  I have to send them to Art to Remember in October...but I think I'll hang some up down in the lunchroom for a bit before I do.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Comic Book Onomatopoeia!
Fifth graders are starting the year trying to visually create noise!  We often "see" sound in the form of words, called onomatopoeia, in comic books and story books.  So the challenge of creating an artwork of where we can 'see sound' and 'hear art' is something new and exciting for many of them!  We are finishing the projects this week, so be sure to come back later in the week to see some great final pieces of onomatopoeia from the fifth grade blue and orange teams!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

TEXT ME! Pt. 2

Student work created by:
Top Row: Andorra Blattner, Madison Wildermuth, Megan Griggs
Middle Row: Mollie Spillman, Michael Cogossi, Eliza Greer
Bottom Row: Carolyn Frost, Caroline Imbrogno, AJ Loftus
More awesome student examples of the "TEXT ME!" project!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Artwork created by Megan Perry, Larissa Smith and Stella Moser

Well...not quite as many kids finished today as I had hoped.  I'm thinking one more day of art to work on them is in order.  In any event, I wanted to pass along a few student examples!  REALLY digging this project!!!  Maybe I'll just tweak it a tad for the second round of sixth graders starting September 29th.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Sixth graders are finishing up their second project of their six weeks with a project I am calling "TEXT ME".  Not meaning 'send me a text', rather a 'text version of me' made sense in my head.  Using a variety of texts, the kids are filling in their silhouette with the 'stuff' that makes them who they are.  It's been a fun project, and am really looking forward to finishing them tomorrow.'s time for clay!!!
I'll have some student examples up later in the week!