Some students were confused thinking that I dressed up as Batman today, on "Super Hero Friday"...but they were wrong...
...I just dressed up as myself...just a normal day in the art room. :)
Welcome to my Creekview Intermediate Art Blog! Here you will find a weekly update on things going on in the CIS art room. These updates will range from information about projects, fundraisers, contests, and some goofy things that happen in the art room. Check back each week for regular Art Room Blog Updates! Thanks for visiting!
Ceramic Gargoyles from Mrs. Hall's the drying process... |
5th Grade "Monochromatic Self Portraits" and 6th Grade "Text Me" projects share some space on the display board in the commons! |
5th Grade "Monochromatic Self Portraits" and 6th Grade "Text Me" projects share some space on the display board in the commons! |
Monochromatic Self Portraits in the drying rack from C-Day; Mrs. McDaniel's class... |