Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Artworks from the Art Room

Artworks pictured starting from upper left and moving clockwise: Haylee Saylor - Blizzard Bag Logos; Lauren Sloboda - Jake the Dog; Madison Chapman - Tri-Color Reduction Print; Disney Google - Kedal Ellerbrock; Sketchbook Assignment 06 Your Choice - Morgan Grawe; Tree Google - Brandon Stevenson; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - Lydia Branstiter

Check out some of the fantastic art pieces being created in the CIS Art Room recently!  Lots of amazing and exciting new projects!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Blizzard Bags

With the recent school cancellations, we have once again dusted off the 'ol Blizzard Bags!!!  The two visual art Blizzard Bags are assigned for 6th Graders in the following homerooms: Mrs. Rausch on the Red Team, Ms. Weixel on the Blue Team and Mrs. Graham on the Purple Team.  Additionally, Blizzard Bags have been assigned to the following fifth grade teams: Blizzard Bag 01 is for Mrs. Coppler on the Green Team, Mrs. Alder on the Yellow team and Mrs. Hutchinson on the Purple Team; Blizzard Bag 02 is for Mrs. Bett on the Green Team, Mrs. Rich on the Yellow Team and Mrs. Taylor on the Purple Team.  I encourage students to come talk to me if they have any questions!

My Blizzard Bag assignments can be found on the district website, and a reference video can be found on your student's Schoology page.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions!  Thanks!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Painting and Printing

This past Monday, my sixth graders (top pictures) finished up a three-part reduction print project utilizing carving tools and EZ-Cut Linoleum.  Meanwhile on Monday, my fifth graders (bottom pictures) began a "Pop Art Cartoon Face" painting project.  Look for examples of finished projects in the coming days.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ceiling Tile Contest Winners

Each year a number of students are selected to paint a ceiling tile in one of the two art rooms.  Pictured here are the 11 students whose artworks will be memorialized at Creekview as art room ceiling tiles.  Over the coming weeks and months, you'll see the finished tiles featured here on the 'ol blog (you may have seen the first completed one a few weeks ago...).  Meanwhile...the kids keep painting away, finishing them one little bit at a time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015


These art collages each measure 32x40 and were created by teams of sixth grade artists from Mrs. Dearwester's class, Ms. Weixel's class and Mrs. Rausch's classes!  These collage examples showcase a variety of famous paintings from famous artists such as Van Gogh, O'Keeffe, Kandinsky, Hokusai, Monet, and Haring. I'm extremely happy and proud with how well they turned out and I can't wait to hang them up around the school.  I'm actually thinking I may repeat this project with my February through March and April through May sixth grade students.  Hmmm...processing...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Creating Visual Sound!

Artworks created by Lizzie Carnes (POW), Griffin Rigel (ZOOM), Meghan McKinney (ZAP) and Irelyn Lyon (BEEP)
The fifth graders on the yellow, green and purple teams are in the final processes of their Onomatopoeia projects!!!  These wonderful visual noises will also serve as their Art to Remember projects, which I will be sure to touch base with you when the time arises.  As a fan of comics and visual mediums, I must say that these projects are turning out fantastic!!!  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ceiling Tiles

The first finished ceiling tile from the 2014-15 Ceiling Tile Art Contest!!!  WHOOHOO!!!  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Team Work

My sixth grade classes are currently working in small groups to create a "team collage".  Each group chose a famous painting from art history and are trying to figure out how best to represent that painting utilizing the art of collage.  The kids still have a few days left to finish up, but so far I've been really impressed with what I've seen!!!