Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Art to Remember

Please make sure you send in your Art to Remember orders to me THIS WEEK!!!  I really need to have all orders turned in to my by this Thursday.  Thanks so much and please let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, March 30, 2015


On April 11th, 2015 I will be holding the second annual Student Art Showcase at the Houston House.  This Showcase will feature artwork created by a select group of Creekview fifth and sixth graders created over the course of the 2014-15 school year.  The Showcase is a one-day art event, evolved from what was once known as the District Art Show.  I am very proud of the students who were selected to take part in this year’s showcase, and hope you might consider visiting this year’s visual arts celebration.  The 2015 Student Art Showcase will take place on Saturday, April 11th from 11-3 at the Houston House; Union County’s cultural arts center.  The Houston House is located on 264 West 5th Street in Marysville.  I hope that you'll consider joining me in celebrating the artistic achievements of some talented Creekview students.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Minecraft Weller

One of my students made a "Mr. Weller" in their Minecraft game!!!  How cool is that?!?!  :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

'Twas a chilly day for recess...

...when suddenly there was a knock on the art room windows...

...never a dull moment in the art room...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pop Art Cartoon Faces

Pop Art Cartoon Faces by 5th Graders on the green, yellow and purple teams
Top Row: Tylor Zamarelli, Nathan McCoy, Landon Wirtz, Lizzie Carnes, Danny Ameiche and Mary Juila Lashley
2nd Row: Izzy Delgado, Noah Stander, Carolyn Beck, Jalyne Fuson, Lily Asbridge and Joey Isaacs
3rd Row: Audrie Stiffler, Molly Armstrong, Morgan Thomas, Joshua Lim, Zach Monnin and Austin Bentz
4th Row: Lauryn O;Connors, Emma Combs, Jack Golla, Livi Warner, Natalia Cymbal and Nisha Sathiaprakash
Bottom Row: Liliana Brown, Julian Musey, Cadence Bailey, Logan Holle, Breanna Bailey and Peyton Ingle
I wish I had a name for this project that was as awesome as the finished pieces!!!  "Pop Art Cartoon Faces" just doesn't have the 'hook' that the artworks do.  When I thought up this project last summer, I never would have imagined they would have turned out so amazing!!!  The kids did a marvelous job utilizing a grid to help them draw and then painting them with Termpera paint.  I really like the projects...and seeing them like this, all clumped together, am even more amazed!  I've gotta find a spot to hang these up for awhile...wouldn't you agree?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Another Finished Ceiling Tile!

The Super Mario Bros "1Up" Ceiling Tile completed!!!
Slowly but surely...those ceiling tiles get closer and closer to being finished!  Today...one more joins the collection, and placed back in the ceiling.  Looks GREAT!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pop Art Cartoon Faces

Pop Art Cartoon Faces in the drying rack from students in Mrs. Christian's and Mrs. McCleary's homerooms
Each school year, I make an attempt to teach all new projects to my students.  Some of those 'new' projects are modified from previous years while others are brand new ideas that pop into my head from time to time.  This past summer, I had the idea of painting extreme close ups of cartoon characters; loosely based on the Pop Art of Andy Warhol.  I didn't teach the project to my first semester fifth graders, as I was waiting on the small canvases which is upsetting because these are turning out so amazing!!!  My second semester fifth graders on the green, yellow and purple teams are finishing them up this week, and then we'll switch over to learning about art's first 'true abstract' artist, Wassily Kandinsky.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Nearing Completion

So...the art room mural comes closer and closer to being complete.  Of course...days like today where school is canceled certainly helps, lol.  This morning I took care of adding Calvin and Hobbes and finished Mona Lisa's head.  Once I tackle this corner, I can finally start to go back into the full mural and fill in the bits and pieces that are still missing.  Anyway...slowly but surely...

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blizzard Bag Update

A final clarification regarding Blizzard Bags given that the due dates for all three are rapidly approaching...

Mrs. Rausch, Ms. Weixel and Mrs. Graham's classes are responsible for all three visual art blizzard bags.

Blizzard Bag 1 - Students from the following homerooms: Coppler, Alder and Hutchinson
Blizzard Bag 2 - Students from the following homerooms: Bett, Rich and Taylor
Blizzard Bag 3 - Students from the following homerooms: Gould, Christian and McCleary

PLEASE...let me know if you have any questions!!!