Thursday, October 22, 2015


This week, students who have art during the first semester will be bringing home their Art to Remember order forms for the annual Creekview Intermediate Visual Arts fundraiser.  All money raised from the fundraiser goes directly to the CIS art room for materials and supplies such as ceramic clay, paintbrushes, or technology items like iPads and Art apps.  There is no obligation to participate, but I do very much appreciate your support, should you choose to order anything.  Here are the three options for you to choose from when looking through your envelope packet:

Option 1: Fill out the order form on the back of the envelope.  Place the money for your order inside of the envelope (checks made out to Creekview Intermediate) and have your student return it to the art room!!!  Orders due by Friday, October 30th!!!

Option 2: Go online and log onto; click the green "Shop" button and enter your student's individualized Online Order Code.  This code is located on the back of your student's envelope.  Order and pay for your items online, and return nothing to the school.  Online orders due by Friday, October 30th!!!

Option 3: If you wish not to participate at this time, simply discard your envelope.

If you have ANY questions regarding the Art to Remember program, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.  I'll do my best to answer any and all questions you may have.  Thanks so much for your consideration into this wonderful fundraising program.  Your student should have their envelope for you to browse through by the end of this week.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 UPDATE!!!

6th Grade Ceramics Projects...the long and tedious drying stage...

I love working with clay and having the kids create clay projects, but it is SO time consuming that the blog has kind of been a 'back burner' item for a few weeks.  My fifth graders are starting clay this week, so I may be hit and miss for another week or so.

Anyway...sixth grade ceramics projects for the first semester are complete!!!  I taught the kids how to make a clay coil, and a variety of techniques on how to build with coils.  The kids then had the creative freedom to make/sculpt/build anything they long as everything started out as a coil!  I love watching the kids create art as they go through that process of solving their own art making challenges.  It's such a thrill and I wish there were more time in the year to do more clay.

These projects will dry for about two weeks to allow the water to fully evaporate from them.  I'll then 'fire' them in the kiln at 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit at which point the kids will choose to either paint or glaze their projects (...of course we'll let them cool off for a bit before handling them, lol...).

My fifth graders are making "Dr. Seuss Houses" which I haven't done in YEARS.  But just after the first day, I'm already loving the excitement and creativity!!!  Pics of those coming soon...

Happy Wednesday!!!

Monday, October 12, 2015


They may not look like much now...but by the end of the week these bags of coiled clay will be wonderful student masterpieces!!!  My 6th grade students will spend the next two art classes enjoying the process of creating ceramic sculptures of whatever they long as it is all built with coils!  I taught a semi-extensive lesson on several types of coils...and now we'll see what interesting creations they come up with.

Friday, October 9, 2015


It's nice when kids stop by the art room to ask if I need any help.  Today, these two wonderful sixth graders helped clean up paint, color pencils, paintbrushes and then help set the room up for the first sixth grade clay day by passing out clay mats and clay tools.  They spent their entire recess in the art room...just helping out.  It was very nice of them, and I'm so appreciative to have such caring and thoughtful students!


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Ya Say It's Your Birthday?!?

The lesson of the day is this: If you come to the art room proclaiming it's your'll end up wearing some form of ridiculous head gear for the remainder of class.  :) birthdays in the art room!!!...