One of the most asked questions regarding the Unified Arts at Creekview revolves around grades. For example...if your student is getting a 78% in art (or any of our UA subjects) do you know that he or she is actually working at "Grade Level"? Today I'd like to take a closer look at our grading scale and help explain any confusion that you may find yourself having.
The UA Grading Scale Looks like this:
90%-100% - ADVANCED (working ABOVE grade level)
60%-89% - PROFICIENT (working AT grade level)
0%-59% - LIMITED (working BELOW grade level)
It's difficult to look past that 'percentage grade' you may see when looking at your child's grades in Schoology especially if you see something in the sixties, so hopefully this helps ease some of that confusion. Grades are simply in place so that I can see how your child utilizes key concepts taught within each project or activity. The ultimate goal is to simply provide a meaningful art experience to your child.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions! Thanks!